The Ideal Woman Has a Czech Face Says New Poll

An international dating agency has created what it says is a composite of the world’s sexiest woman Staff Jason Pirodsky

Written by StaffJason Pirodsky Published on 14.06.2017 09:54:41 (updated on 14.06.2017) Reading time: 1 minute

The so-called “dream woman” has been revealed by international website for cheaters, Victoria Milan—and one of her most visible attributes is Czech, say the results of a new poll.

The company reportedly asked more than 5 million of its members from around the globe what they believed to be their sexiest feature, taking the “ultimate sexy stand-outs” from the top three countries to create the virtual “perfect woman.”

What were those winning features as determined by the poll? Eyes from Hungary, a Finnish bum, Danish breasts, Swiss hands, Polish legs, Spanish lips, and…a Czech face.

The results deemed women from the Czech Republic, Sweden, and Netherlands to have the prettiest faces featuring “high cheekbones, defined jaw lines, and the all-important symmetry.”

Photo: Victoria Milan
Photo: Victoria Milan

Company spokesperson Sigurd Vedal said: “The virtual perfect woman was created by women from countries all over the world who know their strengths and most beautiful features. By compiling this list, we’ve zoomed in on where to go to see the best the world has to offer. Get your passports ready!”

If this all a bit too much of exasperating junk science for you, consider this actual scientific study on prefered breast size conducted by Czech researchers last year, or conduct some independent research on the country’s prettiest faces with this wrap up of the Top Ten Czech Supermodels.

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