Gorillas Run Through Central Prague

The sixth annual Run for Gorillas will take place Saturday, June 20

Dave Park

Written by Dave Park Published on 19.06.2015 14:59:13 (updated on 19.06.2015) Reading time: 1 minute

Update: check out pictures from this year’s Run for Gorillas at this link.

If you’re out and about in Malá Strana tomorrow afternoon, you might notice hundreds of people running through the streets wearing gorilla masks.

No, they’re not filming the latest Planet of the Apes movie in Prague.

It’s the sixth annual Run for Gorillas, a 4k charity run sponsored by Prague Zoo to raise awareness for the Western Lowland Gorilla, a subspecies of African gorillas that is facing extinction.

This year, the four kilometer route begins and ends at Hradčanské náměstí by the Prague Castle, and runs through Nerudova, Jánský vršek, Vlašská, Újezd, and Karmelitská streets, and up and down Petřín Hill. The race begins at 14:00

An accompanying program at Hradčanské náměstí includes live musical performances and a closing ceremony at 15:30.

To join the gorillas, you can register at this link.

Photo: Facebook / Tomáš Adamec, Zoo Praha
Photo: Facebook / Tomáš Adamec, Zoo Praha

The start fee is 500 CZK, for which you’ll receive a gorilla mask, starting number, an admission to Prague Zoo and World Class Fitness, and other items from the Run’s partners.

Fees from the run are donated to charities helping to save the gorillas in Africa.

Running isn’t required: feel free to walk, ride a scooter, or bring your dog.

More information can be found at the Run for Gorillas website and Facebook page.

Gorillas Run Through Central Prague


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