Freshly-tapped 'bottled' water is coming to pubs and restaurants in the Czech Republic

Kofola will be introducing freshly draught Rajec water at locations throughout the Czech Republic this summer

Jason Pirodsky

Written by Jason Pirodsky Published on 10.06.2020 10:31:28 (updated on 10.06.2020) Reading time: 2 minutes

In addition to beer, malinovka (raspberry lemonade), and Kofola, Czech customers will soon be able to enjoy fresh ‘bottled’ water straight from the tap, according to a report from Seznam zprávy.

Kofola, the brand behind the classic Czech alternative to Coca-Cola, currently offers their flagship beverage along with other soft drinks on draught next to beer taps at restaurants throughout the Czech Republic.

Now they’re digging into an even more lucrative market: water, which makes up about half of the entire beverage market in the Czech Republic.

This summer, Kofola will begin to introduce draught water in barrels from their brand Rajec at company-franchised locations. If successful, they’ll expand the offer to restaurants and pubs across the country.

“The initial project will start in the summer at our UGO Salateries,” Kofola owner Jannis Samaras told Seznam zprávy.

“We expect that when it proves successful, we will take it to restaurants.”

The concept should also help to reduce the amount of waste produced by plastic and/or glass bottles. Kofola plans gradually reduce its waste in order to become carbon-neutral by the year 2030.

“Our vision is zero waste and carbon neutral until 2030,” Samaras stated.

While the price of the draught Rajec water has not yet been set, Samaras indicated it would be within consumer expectations.


Rajec spring water comes from Slovakia’s Rajecká valley, and is offered in sparkling, lightly-sparkling, and still varieties, along with others that include various flavorings.

In addition to Rajec, Kofola distributes a number of other popular soft drink brands in the Czech Republic, including Top Topic, Jupí, Jupík, Chito, and Vinea.

But not everyone is a fan of Kofola’s new concept.

“I don’t think it’s a special business idea,” Luboš Kastner, co-founder of the Hospodská group of restaurants in Prague and Plzeň, told

“Smaller restaurants do not have the space or a soda bar. In addition, there is not much room on the tap heads, and I doubt that the breweries will let them into the tap.”

“And of course the price, I doubt it will be very attractive. In addition, the barrels present logistical challenges and take up space.”

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