Would you like to reach even more candidates for your job positions?
Boost your job position's visibility across Expats.cz article content and homepage with the new Expats.cz Job Feature. Your job listing will be promoted and displayed inside popular content such as news articles, lifestyle, tips and culture.
How do I activate it?
Navigate to the Client Center (after logging into your account) and select Jobs. The Job Feature can be activated by selecting the switch next on your job listing. Click here to navigate to the jobs management page.
Job Feature
How much does it cost?
Price: 2 Job Credits
Duration: 10 days
Key benefits of using the job feature:
Side panel of featured jobs on all Expats.cz articles
Side panel of featured jobs on Expats.cz homepage
Very high visibility of advert across all media
Reach thousands of potential new candidates that are not actively looking for a job, but reading content about the Czech Republic
Have a big advantage over your competitors with higher visibility