Expats.cz domain authority, SEO and analytics

Details on expats.cz page rank, authority and other key analytics and metrics

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on (updated on 10.07.2024) Reading time: 1 minute

Why is Expats.cz ranked so highly in Google?

Over the past 20 years, Expats.cz has consistently and professionally published rich content for our readers, and for search engines to find. This content has been linked to independently by hundreds of thousands of websites all over the world and has been crafted specifically for our audience. It is this, that gives Google confidence to rank us highly. Put simply, our content is original, engaging and useful, all of which Google is able to measure.

Domain authority : 64 with more than 800k backlinks!

Domain Authority is a search engine ranking score that predicts how likely a website is to rank in search engine result pages. Domain Authority scores range from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to greater likelihood of ranking. Expats.cz has a score of 64 which is considered EXCELLENT.

Expats.cz data for 12 months (Jan - Dec, 2023) - Google Analytics 4

  • Unique users: 2,3 Million
  • Pageviews: 11 Million
  • Average visit time: 02:41 minutes
  • Mobile visitor: 66%
  • Desktop visitor: 32%
  • Tablet visitor: 2%

Visitor browser location

  • Czech Republic: 43%
  • USA: 14%
  • UK: 7%
  • Germany: 4%
  • Poland: 3%
  • Canada: 2%

Expats.cz traffic sources

  • Organic search (Google): 55%
  • Direct: 25%
  • Social (organic): 14%

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