Czech leaders congratulate Joe Biden on historic US election win

"The support you received is a call by the American citizens for change," writes Czech President Miloš Zeman

Jason Pirodsky

Written by Jason Pirodsky Published on 07.11.2020 19:32:00 (updated on 07.11.2020) Reading time: 2 minutes

During a hotly-contested election in which votes are still being counted, news agencies including AP, CNN, and Fox News have called the 2020 United States election for Joe Biden over incumbent Donald Trump early Saturday evening.

The call was made after Biden pulled decisively ahead in the US state of Pennsylvania. While Trump appeared to take an early lead following initial results on Tuesday, mail-in votes have skewed predominantly towards Biden and given the former vice president a decisive advantage in the key battleground state.

The results are far from official, and recounts as well as challenges from Trump's legal team are expected to follow in the coming weeks.

Still, leaders from around the world have taken the opportunity tonight to congratulate Biden on the historic win.

Czech President Miloš Zeman has released a lengthy letter sent to Biden through his spokesperson Jiří Ovčáček on Facebook.

"Allow me to congratulate you cordially on your election as the President of the United States of America," Zeman writes.

"The support you received is not only a reflection of the American people’s trust in your leadership skills, which you have proven countless times during your years of public service, but is also a call of the American citizens for change."

"Considering the crucial role American democracy has played in global politics, your election is an event that has a global impact. The power of democratic values itself, from which the U.S. has thrived, has been an inspiration to many parts of the world."

"This is also why I have closely followed your public speeches in which I appreciated your strong determination to strengthen the transatlantic bond with the closest partners of the U.S. The Czech Republic certainly belongs among them."

On Twitter, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš was more concise.

"Congratulations to Joe Biden on being elected the next President of the United States," Babiš writes.

"I look forward to our comprehensive and friendly cooperation."

"Congratulations to Joe Biden on winning the presidential election. I look forward to working with the new US administration," writes Czech Foreign Minister Tomáš Petříček.

"I believe that we will be able to continue to deepen our mutual relations and strong alliance between Europe and the USA."

"Congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden & Vice President-elect Kamala Harris!" writes Czech Interior Minister Jan Hamáček.

"This is a great opportunity to strengthen transatlantic cooperation, including US-Czech relations."

Biden himself has expressed thanks to the US public, and promises to be a president to all Americans whether they voted for him or not.

While stopping short of officially declaring his victory, Biden will give a speech later this evening, during which many expect him to do so.

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