Czech government confirms first wave of reopening shops on Monday, April 20

The Czech government today approved the first wave of the loosening of measures to curb the new coronavirus epidemic


Written by ČTK Published on 17.04.2020 20:06:55 (updated on 17.04.2020) Reading time: 2 minutes

Prague, April 17 (CTK) – The Czech government today approved the first wave of the loosening of measures to curb the new coronavirus epidemic and craftsmen’s shops, farmers’ markets and car dealerships may open on Monday, April 20, Health Minister Adam Vojtěch (for ANO) said after the government meeting.

“The government confirmed the first changes, now it is in a legislative form,” Vojtěch said.

On Tuesday, the government presented the timetable of gradual loosening of measures introduced to curb the epidemic in the Czech Republic that included the reopening of the above shops.

The five-stage plan of reopening shops and other facilities that have been closed since the declaration of the state of emergency in mid-March over the new coronavirus epidemic, will start on April 20 and its final stage will come on June 8.

As of next Monday, small weddings and outdoor training activities of professional athletes and players of team sports will be permitted, under strict sanitary measures.

Vojtěch also recalled that universities would partly open on Monday so that the students who plan to graduate this year can study literature, undergo exams and consult their professors. Up to five people may meet at these university activities.ll shops smaller than 200 square meters may reopen as of April 27, unless they are in shopping malls. Larger shops may reopen on this day, too, if they reduce their area to meet the set upper limit, the Health Ministry writes on its website.

As of May 11, shops smaller than 1,000m2, driving schools, fitness centres may reopen, but the visitors will not be allowed to use the dressing rooms and showers.

As of May 11, shops smaller than 1,000m2, driving schools, fitness centres may reopen, but the visitors will not be allowed to use the dressing rooms and showers.

As of May 25, outdoor restaurants and cafes may reopen as well as hairdressing salons and barber shops. Museums, galleries and zoos can open, too.

As of June 8, indoor areas of restaurants and zoos may reopen as well as shopping malls and hotels, and culture, social and sport events with up to 50 participants may take place under special conditions.

The cabinet members admitted on Tuesday that the timetable may change and some steps may be postponed due to the epidemiological situation. Vojtěch did not rule out an opposite scenario today. “If the situation develops positively and well, we can talk about modifications,” he said.

Vojtěch also said he cannot imagine that people would be suddenly allowed to travel all over the world because the infection might be brought to Czechia once again and because public health government can ban travelling abroad based on the law on public health.

“We know that the situation is unfortunate in many countries. This could create the second or third wave of the pandemic,” he said.

Some lawyers challenged the fact that the government decided that Czech citizens must not leave the country, except for rare cases.

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