CSA Flight Attendants Announce 3-Day Strike

The Czech Airlines strike is set to occur from Wednesday to Friday this week

Dave Park

Written by Dave Park Published on 24.08.2015 17:07:30 (updated on 24.08.2015) Reading time: 1 minute

Flight attendants of CSA Czech Airlines have announced a 3-day strike that will begin on Wednesday, according to statement issued on Monday. 

The statement did not reveal how many flight attendants would be participating in the strike, nor how many flights may be affected. 

The strike is set to occur over low wages, after salary cuts that were made in February this year. 

CSA management refuses to negotiate a long-term raise in salaries, according to iDnes.cz.

According to the same article, the average gross wage for cabin crew dropped from approximately 44,000 CK in the period of February-May 2014 to 32,000 CZK in the same period this year.

If you’re flying with Czech Airlines this week, you might want to keep an eye out for any further developments. 

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