Average Czech Salary Crosses 27,000 CZK

The average wage in the Czech Republic grew more than anticipated in the third quarter of 2016 to reach a new high

Dave Park

Written by Dave Park Published on 07.12.2016 10:54:42 (updated on 07.12.2016) Reading time: 1 minute

What’s the average salary in the Czech Republic?

Average wages grew to 27,200 CZK per month in the third quarter of 2016, according to new statistical data released yesterday and published by Česká televize.

The growth of 4.5% over the previous quarter was higher than anticipated, and some have attributed it to preparations for the new evidence of electronic transfer (EET) laws, which went into effect on December 1st.

One of the side effects of the EET, which requires evidence of proof of payment made at the time of purchase in restaurants and other service establishments, might also be the reduction in staff members being paid under the table.

The 4.5% increase was among the highest in the past seven years.

The highest numbers were reported in Prague, where a mean monthly salary of 34,512 CZK was about 30% higher than the next closest region.

Across the rest of the country, the average number fell between 23,000 and 26,500 crowns, with a high of 26,413 CZK in the South Moravian (Brno) region and a low of 23,400 in the Karlovy Vary region.

In total, the Czech average of 27,200 CZK per month represents a new high and the first time the number has crossed the 27,000 CZK threshold.

Because the average (mean) salary also incorporates wages that might be significantly higher than the normal, the median salary is often used as a more qualified benchmark to evaluate what the average worker might actually be receiving.


Median salaries rose 5.1% over the third quarter, up to 23,527 CZK. At 25,720, men are making nearly 20% more than female counterparts, one of the largest gender pay gaps in Europe.


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