Apple Unveils Two Christmas Ads Shot in the Czech Republic

The tech giant has released Frankenstein and Romeo & Juliet-themed holiday spots filmed in picturesque Czech locales

Dave Park

Written by Dave Park Published on 07.12.2016 16:20:37 (updated on 07.12.2016) Reading time: 1 minute

The Czech Republic has proven a popular destination for Christmas commercials this year.

Last month, we wrote about a Milka advertisement filmed in the town of Loket, and a Coca-Cola ad shot in the same town, as well as Nebušice and Louny.

Now, Apple has unveiled a pair of advertisements shot in the country.

In Frankie’s Holiday, a Frankenstein-like creature (played by Everybody Loves Raymond star Brad Garrett) is given a taste of the Christmas spirit when he comes to a town square to sing Perry Como’s Home for the Holidays with his iPhone.

The square is in none other than the picturesque town of Žatec, about 80 kilometers east of Prague.

In the two weeks that it has been released, Frankie’s Holiday has garnered over 7 million views on YouTube:

Then there’s Apple’s Romeo & Juliet, a :30 spot released yesterday that features two young actors reciting Shakespeare’s dialogue for a school play.

When filmed through the lenses of the iPhone 7, however, the school’s auditorium is transformed into some gorgeous baroque European sets.

Eagle-eyed locals may recognize those sets as locations in and around the Libochovice Chateau in the Ústí nad Labem region. 

Earlier this year, a new Mozart movie set for release in 2017 was shot in the same location.

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