Apple filmed its new iPhone 15 ad in Prague: Can you spot the locations used?

The promo spot features scenes from Prague and beyond and confirms the tech giants long-time affinity for filming in Czechia. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 14.09.2023 10:09:00 (updated on 15.09.2023) Reading time: 1 minute

Apple unveiled its latest generation iPhone at a media event this week, showing off upgrades like the implementation of the EU-mandated USB-C charging port and improved cameras.

Following the product launch, an advertisement for the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus aired. Eagle-eyed viewers living in Czechia may have noticed that the promotional spot was filmed in some familiar locations.

The 30-second clip played at the presentation featured glimpses of landmarks in Prague and Czechia, reports Czech tech publication

Shots from the Czech capital include the Municipal Court building in Slezská Street as well as the Velín Strahov tunnel, known as the Strahov Tunnel Control Room, which is the TSK Tunnel Administration headquarters and is featured prominently in the spot.

At one point in the ad, the display also shows a photograph taken on the scenic Panská skála in Kamenický Šenov. 

Subtle text references to the city are also made, with an iMessage notification showing a group named "Prague Trip."

At 22 seconds, an upcoming departure from Prague Airport to Amsterdam appears on the iPhone 15 display. The ad ends with a view out of an airplane window heading to Amsterdam.

The Czech Republic is a favorite filming location for the tech giant. In 2016, Apple released Frankenstein and Romeo and Juliet-themed holiday spots filmed in picturesque Czech locales. In 2017, the company's annual Thanksgiving ad was filmed near Old Town Square, at Výstaviště fairgrounds in Prague’s Holešovice district, and on the Vyšehrad railway bridge.

In 2018, an Apple advert pushing the iPhone XR featured Vršovice, the National Theatre, and other Prague locales in a joyful one-minute spot, Color Flood, a large-scale, rainbow-hued synchronized parkour performance set to Cosmo Sheldrake’s song “Come Along.”

In 2018, an advertisement for the Apple Watch Series 5 was released and featured glimpses of a Prague street with an Art Deco doorway, the Náměstí Míru metro stop, the Slavia sports complex, and a bit at the Velká Amerika quarry near Beroun.

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