AK-YS: AnwaltsKanzlei Dr. Yvetta Skrdlik

AK-YS: AnwaltsKanzlei Dr. Yvetta Skrdlik

Klimentská 1216/46, Praha 1, 11000 Now closed - opens tomorrow at 09:00

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AK-YS: AnwaltsKanzlei Dr. Yvetta Skrdlik provides a wide range of Czech and cross-border legal services of high professional standard in the Czech Republic and Germany.

We focus on domestic and international commercial and corporate law, real estate, employment and litigation, as well as M&A, joint ventures, Franchising and IP. Our team understands that the value of good legal advice lies in helping our clients to achieve their objectives as efficiently as possible. We follow this principle in our practice so that our clients are provided with the legal security and support they need in their succesful business activities on a high quality level you would expect to receive from leading law firms, including the capacity to provide legal services in English, German and French and Czech. Flexibility and tailored, commercially focused advice comes along with our understanding for any differences that arise due to divergent legal regimes, business customs, language or cultural backgrounds. The lawyers in our office create an efficient and balanced team enabling us to provide top quality legal services with reasonable fees. Our clients include both Czech and multinational corporations operating in the Czech Republic and all over the world.

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