Prague Zoo Animals Snack on Christmas Tree

Old Town Square’s Christmas Tree makes a festive treat for the herbivores at Prague Zoo

Dave Park

Written by Dave Park Published on 11.01.2016 16:14:09 (updated on 11.01.2016) Reading time: 1 minute

What’s the best way to dispose of an old Christmas tree?

Judging by some of the scenes on Prague streets this morning, most are content with dragging their old trees out to the curb.

But give the city of Prague points for creativity: they’ve gotten rid of the 23-meter Norway spruce that graced Old Town Square’s Christmas market over the holidays in a most resourceful – and adorable – manner.

After the tree was removed from Old Town Square on Saturday, it made its way to Prague Zoo, where it was cut into sections.

Yesterday, pieces cut from the tree made for an unusual treat for some of the herbivores at the zoo, including camels, elephants, and bison.

Zoo visitors were able to witness the festive snacking during coordinated feeding sessions.

But don’t go getting any bright ideas: according to, the Zoo has had to turn away some visitors who thought their old, dry trees might also make for a nice snack. 

Not so: Old Town Square’s still-fresh spruce was a rare edible exception. Zoo officals recommend leaving your tree next to the trash can. 

Video from last year’s feast: 

Radost ze stromečků Nepoužité vánoční stromky dostávají různé druhy kopytníků, nejvíce asi chutnají slonům. Největší radost ze stromečků má malá Sita. Více než tunové slůně s nimi běhá po celém výběhu, přenáší je pomocí chobotu, hází s nimi do dálky a občas s nimi hraje i fotbal. 🙂 Posted by Zoo Praha on Thursday, December 31, 2015

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