New index reveals the riskiest intersection in the Czech Republic

According to the Accident Portal, 103 traffic accidents, in which 13 people were injured, occurred at this buzzing spot in Prague. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 07.03.2023 13:00:00 (updated on 07.03.2023) Reading time: 2 minutes

A new index compiled by the Accident Portal has revealed the most dangerous intersection in the Czech Republic. Analysts compiled a detailed overview of the riskiest spots for pedestrians and drivers alike by taking a look at the number of accidents and injuries in those areas.

The index found that I.P. Pavlova Square at the intersection of Legerova and Jugoslávská is the country's riskiest intersection. Over the past two years, the location has seen 103 traffic accidents in which 13 people were injured and more than CZK 15 million in damage caused. 

"Anyone who drives a car in Prague or listens to the traffic news can probably guess that [this] intersection holds the lead in terms of the number of accidents and risk," said Jan Chalas from DataFriends whose analysts conducted the research.

He goes on to say that the extremely heavy traffic along the area's main thoroughfare, intersected by a street (Ječná) bustling with tram traffic, combined with inattentive and stressed drivers rushing to work and checking phones as they wait for green lights, create the perfect conditions for frequent accidents.

The most common cause of accidents at the urban intersections tracked in the index is failure to give way, failure to maintain a safe distance, and running a red light. The intersection at I.P. Pavlova proved no exception; distracted driving and inattention were the biggest cause of accidents here.

Chalas said that if more drivers practiced extreme caution here while fully devoting themselves to driving, and keeping a safe distance, it would help to reduce the number of accidents that occur here and at other intersections.

"At intersections in city centers, drivers come across not only other vehicles but also pedestrians, cyclists, public transport...all of this requires their maximum attention, compliance with regulations, and often just simple respect and consideration for other road users."

Other cities with intersections to make the list include Hradec Králové and Ústí nad Labem. See a complete map of dangerous intersections and see the full index here.

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