Loud Sex Sparks Mountain Rescue in Krkonoše

A full-scale rescue operation responds to a woman's screams of ecstasy

Dave Park

Written by Dave Park Published on 16.06.2015 16:32:09 (updated on 16.06.2015) Reading time: 1 minute

Hikers in the Krkonoše mountains were alerted to potential trouble recently when a woman’s screams were heard echoing throughout the range.

An emergency call went out on line 150, and soon a helicopter and teams of firefighters, ambulance, and mountain rescue were deployed to the area to search for the source of the cries.

Two professional teams of firefighters from Trutnov and Vrchlabí responded to the emergency call, along with volunteers from Špindlerův Mlýn.

What they found, however, was a couple who indulged in intercourse so loudly they could be “heard hundreds of meters away,” writes Blesk.

The story made the rounds in the local tabloids, and has already been picked up by the UK’s Daily Star.

But it wasn’t the only sex act that firefighters had to respond to in the past year, according to Denik.cz.

Last October, firefighters removed a cock ring from a man’s swollen penis using a power saw in the Děčín region.

Rescue operations like these give new meaning to the term “safe sex.” 

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