Livingston School bridges Czech and English education for global success

Prague’s newest Cambridge International School offers an outstanding Czech and English education. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 25.06.2024 12:05:00 (updated on 25.06.2024) Reading time: 2 minutes

This article was written in association with Gymnasium Livingston. To read more about our partner content policies, see here.

Bilingualism is a key asset in an increasingly globalized world. Prague’s newest Cambridge International School, Gymnazium Livingston, recognizes this and offers an innovative program balancing Czech and English education.

International and multinational students are taught a special Czech course to help them communicate in their everyday lives in the Czech Republic. All students are also taught through an innovative Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) program, using English within specific subjects to expand learning opportunities and achieve a high literacy level.

English dominates, but the mother tongue matters

The story of the Tower of Babel illustrates the power of a shared language. This concept resonates today, where English dominates as the lingua franca of business, academia, and culture. However, maintaining one’s native language is equally important, particularly in preserving cultural identity. Gymnazium Livingston understands this dual necessity.

Small children naturally pick up the language of their parents and child carers. By the time they start school, they can express themselves and understand the basic principles of languages. Those growing up in multilingual families or environments may already have the potential to become polyglots, but this potential needs to be nourished and developed to be realized.

As an accredited Cambridge International School and MSMT school, Livingston successfully integrates international curricula with the Czech RVP. This approach helps students develop subject knowledge and essential skills for the future. International families benefit from a special Czech course, ensuring their children can communicate effectively in the Czech Republic. The innovative CLIL program utilizes English in specific subjects, promoting language as a tool for expanding learning opportunities.

“The results speak for themselves,” says Principal Martin Holub. “Our graduates excel in Czech and international schools, proving that bilingual education broadens their horizons.”

A comprehensive program to maximize students’ future

Starting in September, Livingston Elementary School will expand to include a Gymnazium in a new building nearby. Students will study for both their Czech Maturita and start with Cambridge IGCSEs, followed by an international diploma. This merger provides a comprehensive program that keeps future options open for all students.

“I feel it’s immoral to limit students at 15 based on high school choices,” says Justin Kilcullen-Nichols, Livingston’s Deputy Director.

“The IGCSE is one of the world’s most recognized school certificates and examines understanding and skills, rather than pure knowledge, through various assessment styles. I want our students to be able to study here in the Czech Republic or to have the chance to study abroad depending on their wishes; either way, mastery of Czech and English will only add to their chances of a fulfilling future.’’

Livingston offers additional classes to nurture a child’s innate joy in learning and build confidence as the country ends a stressful admissions period during which students compete with each other for limited school places based on CERMAT scores. Individual meetings and tours are available throughout the summer, and prospective students and their families can attend an open day on July 1, 2024.

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