Finding a Job in Prague

finding jobs in Prague

Suchi Rudra

Written by Suchi Rudra Published on 12.01.2010 16:08:46 (updated on 12.01.2010) Reading time: 6 minutes

Finding a job in Prague. 

Update 2018: Finding a job in Prague has never been easier! Click here for hundreds of multilingual positions in Prague and Brno 

Archive 2010: Finding a job in Prague isn’t as easy as it used to be. However, the demand for English language teachers still exists here in Prague, as well as other solid job opportunities for the expat. The most important things to remember in your quest for jobs are: be creative, be flexible, and be ready to take on anything. Here we present a healthy dose of tips to help you pave the way to finding a job in Prague – Good luck!

1) Do you know someone who works for a big company in town that you fancy working in? Are any of your teacher friends overloaded with lessons that you can help relieve them of? Do your neighbours or friends’ neighbours want to learn English or need help with remodelling their flat or need a babysitter? Think about anyone and everyone you know or had some contact with—even outside of Prague! Always save business cards, mobile numbers and emails whenever you meet someone new. You never ever know when you might need to contact them.

2) Take a walk. Seriously. Since you’re probably unemployed at the moment, you certainly have the time for it. Start with your own neighbourhood, and take note of the smaller agencies and businesses that may just need a talent or skill that you can provide. You’ll be surprised at what you can find when you slow down to read all the plaques on a building entrance. At home, you can look up their contact info, and send them a nice email showcasing your enthusiasm for their work and be revealing your not-too-eager curiosity about setting up a meeting to discuss some work possibilities. You can even send them your email to show them you are seriously qualified for their work. Of course, be sure that you are communicating to them in the right language—don’t assume they will know English.

3) Walk into restaurants where you would go to eat. Ask if they are looking for any help. Some post notices on their windows and doors, so be sure to keep your eyes wide open whenever you go out to eat. Click here for restaurant jobs in Prague

4)Hotels and hostels are always looking for dedicated workers, especially those with multilingual abilities and the flexibility to work various shifts. Click here for Hotel & Hostel positions in Prague

5)Consider finding a job outside the city limits. There are certain locations on the outskirts of Prague, like Řičany (about 20 km outside of Prague), where fewer expats are willing to commute for work, therefore creating a higher demand in those areas. Also, some language agencies will pay you extra for the longer commute to end-of-the-line lessons. Consider living outside of Prague if that’s what it takes to secure a well-paid job. You need to decide what is more important to you: finding a job in Prague or looking for work in the Czech Republic.

6)Start as a volunteer or intern. If earning a full-time salary is not a pressing matter, contact local businesses, NGOs or schools that interest you, and offer your skills to them for free. If you’re good at what you do and they like you, you might soon earn yourself a position as a paid staff member.

7)Along the same lines, if you begin a language exchange (tandem) with someone, they may want you to become their private teacher or may recommend you to someone who will actually pay you for lessons.

8) Be willing to try new things. If you don’t land a full-time job immediately, you can still earn decent money by replying to ads for one-time gigs, such as doing voice-overs for video games, being an extra in a film (which there are plenty chances for in Prague), or walking someone’s dog (which can actually be turned into a more permanent and lucrative gig).

9) If you’re a people person and know your Prague facts and legends, become a tour guide. In a city crawling with tourists all year round, this is a job that is almost always available someway, somehow. If nothing seems to be open, consider working the free tours in town, where you are paid by the generosity of the tourists’ tips. Click here for Tour job positions in Prague

10) If you are an artist, find a way to sell your creations. Ask around at cafes and bars if they are interested in displaying your art or selling your book or poetry, etc. You can even hold a small auction (if you have a decent collection of work) and raise quite a bit of money that way.

11) If you are a musician, try for regular gigs at cafes and bars around town. Be prepared to hand over a demo CD or even do an on-the-spot audition. You might play the first gig or so for free, but once you get a crowd coming back, the manager will be more likely to offer you some payment plus free drinks/food. Other venue possibilities include galleries, museums, bookstores, weddings, parties, etc.

12) If you consider yourself to be a wordsmith of some sort, and plenty of expats in Prague do, apply for writing and editing positions at any and every English-language publication, online and offline, that you can think of, even if they don’t say they are hiring. You never know what you might stumble across. Apply for freelance work in your home country that can be done sitting in your Prague flat. If you’ve had the chance to travel a bit in the Czech Republic and around Europe, why not try writing articles about your travel experiences? And be sure to send in some great photos along with your articles—that can make all the difference.

13)What can you teach or consult someone (or even a business) on? Think about your skills, talents, background and experience. Run through your CV and remind yourself of the kind of work you’ve done before, and how you can do it again with a “Prague twist.” Language skills are a huge asset here, so brush up on any languages that you are half decent at. What about your hobbies? Are friends and even strangers always praising your cooking skills, cocktail creations, fashion finds or flat décor? Prague’s population has a huge turnover, with expats and students always coming and going, and there are always people out there who want to learn what you know. Make a list of your abilities, skills, experiences, and beside each one, write down several ways that you can use that skill to make money.

Reminders when finding a job in Prague. 

1) Update your CV with your local contact info only. Get one or two friends to review it and add their input. Don’t call it a “resume” when you email it to a prospective employer—here it’s a CV. Also, be prepared to send a recent, clean, professional-looking headshot of yourself along with your CV.

2) If you put your mobile number and email address on a CV that you have given to potential employers, check both frequently every day. Don’t leave your phone at home or uncharged. Check your email at least once a day.

3) A word of advice that applies to most of the above tips: Unless you are fluent or pretty comfortable speaking Czech, bring a Czech friend with you when you go out job hunting!

And finally, don’t forget to try the job portal, where you can find hundreds of vacancies for non-Czech speakers.


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