Meet Your New Favorite Czech Singer: Lenny

The big winner at yesterday’s Anděl Awards, Lenny’s English-language lyrics and piano-driven tunes have crossover appeal Staff Jason Pirodsky

Written by StaffJason Pirodsky Published on 23.05.2017 11:57:12 (updated on 23.05.2017) Reading time: 1 minute

The Anděl Awards, the Czech music industry awards that are kind of like the Grammys, were held yesterday at Prague Lucerna Music Bar.

Twenty-three-old singer Lenny cleaned up in multiple categories, winning statues for Album of the Year for her 2016 stand-out Hearts, and Song of the Year for the country-infused pop number, the second single from her debut, “Hell.o.”

The daughter of Czech singer Lenka Filipová, she has been playing piano and composing music since the age of four.

If you haven’t yet heard the songwriter and pianist, now is the time to put her on your playlist. Her raspy voice has drawn comparisons to Janis Joplin and her English-language tunes have given her crossover appeal abroad, particularly in Italy.

Catch Lenny at this year’s Metronome festival in June (fellow award-winner and young emerging artist Thom Artway will also perform at the fest). In the meantime get acquainted with your new favorite Czech singer.

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