Czech Republic to remember first COVID-19-related death with minute of silence

On Monday, March 22, bells will ring at noon to mark the anniversary of the first death from COVID-19 in the country; the Petřín tower will also go dark.

Jason Pirodsky

Written by Jason Pirodsky Published on 21.03.2021 11:45:00 (updated on 22.03.2021) Reading time: 1 minute

On Monday, March 22, the Czech Republic will mark the anniversary of the first COVID-19-related death in the country with a minute of silence to remember the victims of the pandemic.

The Moment of Silence initiative calls on everyone in the country to spend just one minute in silence at noon on Monday to pay respect to those who have lost their lives due to COVID-19 and their families.

Since the first COVID-19 patient in the Czech Republic died on March 22, 2020, there have been nearly 25,000 coronavirus-related deaths in the Czech Republic.

"A moment of silence for the victims of the pandemic is for remembering those who have fallen in the last twelve months," the Minute of Silence initiative writes on its website.

"The moment of silence is going to take place on the anniversary of the first death from COVID-19 in the Czech Republic. This memorial will not have any political points nor it will blame anyone. This event belongs to the deceased and their mourners, who often could not even say their goodbyes. It is here to help us all to cope with this tragedy and to perceive the cost of our lives"

The Czech Bishops' Conference has joined the Initiative and will ring out church bells at noon to mark the beginning of the moment of silence. The conference has asked all participants to ensure that the bells will be rung at precisely 12:00 on March 22.

Through the ringing of church bells, coverage in the media, and a dignified tribute without any political context, Czech society can say it did not let indifference and disregard of other people prevail, the Initiative states.

Similar tributes have taken place across the globe, including in the USA, UK, Poland, and Switzerland.

In addition to the moment of silence at noon, Prague landmark Petřín Tower will go dark on the evening of March 22 to mark one year since the Czech Republic's first COVID-19 related death.

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