Czech Republic now reports 464 coronavirus cases after 7,600 tests conducted

The number of the confirmed coronavirus infection cases in the Czech Republic reached 464 this morning, rising by 81 since Tuesday


Written by ČTK Published on 18.03.2020 09:32:11 (updated on 18.03.2020) Reading time: 2 minutes

Prague, March 18 (CTK) – The number of the confirmed coronavirus infection cases reached 464 in the Czech Republic this morning, it rose by 81 on Tuesday, according to the data on the Health Ministry’s website released today.

Three patients have been fully recovered. More than 7,600 tests have been carried out to date.

At present, 36 labs assist in the testing and more and more people are being tested, Health Minister Adam Vojtech (for ANO) tweeted today.

On Tuesday, 1,362 people were tested, 128 more than on Monday.

A total of 434 infection cases were confirmed as of 18:00 on Tuesday, their number rose by 30 until midnight.

The highest number of the infected is still in Prague (167), followed by the Central Bohemia and Olomouc regions, while the lowest figure is in the Liberec Region, four so far.

A total of 48 percent contracted the coronavirus abroad, mainly in Italy, but they also some “imported” the infection from Austria, Germany, the United States, Belgium, Ireland, Spain, Britain, Egypt, France, Israel, Switzerland and Hungary. Another 51 percent of the patients got infected in the Czech Republic.

As far as the age groups are concerned, the highest number of the virus cases is in the group aged from 25 to 34 years (87), and the lowest incidence is among children under 14 and youth under 24 years, 31 cases in each of the groups.

The Czech special army plane brought 150,000 rapid coronavirus testers from China today. They will enable to increase the number of tested people, Vojtech said.

The testers are for rapid diagnostics in the case of people who showed symptoms of a respiratory disease and may be infected with the new coronavirus. The result is available in 20-25 minutes, Vojtech said.

The testers, which are being distributed now, are designated for the inhabitants of the localities that were entirely closed to prevent the coronavirus infection spread, for the police, soldiers and firefighters as well as big hospitals.

The first cases of the novel coronavirus infection appeared in the Czech Republic on March 1.

The government has declared the state of emergency, which has seriously limited the free movement of people and cancelled most public activities.

The government will deal with the situation at its special meetings this morning and on Thursday.

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