For Ukrainian refugee children in Czechia, classes begin on Monday

The Czech Ministry of Education has announced an initiative to help students from the war zone continue their studies. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 03.03.2022 13:53:00 (updated on 10.03.2022) Reading time: 3 minutes

UPDATE (March 4, 2022): A new website will help connect refugees from Ukraine with schools in the Czech Republic. was created by Scio in cooperation Czech IT company Ximilar. Currently, the site lists 14 schools that are ready to accept Ukrainian children. Schools can apply to help by filling out the online form. Scio will also offer refugees free places in their private schools and help families communicate via a telephone line +420 234 705 539, where Scio coordinators will help Ukrainian-speaking parents to communicate with the school.

According to the Ministry of Education, refugee children will be enrolled in catchment schools according to their place of residence. However, according to Scio, many schools are not currently prepared to integrate such students and often have no experience teaching children who do not speak Czech.

As thousands of refugees head for the Czech border from war-torn Ukraine, the Czech Republic has opened its homes and workforce to those displaced by the Russian invasion.

Now the Czech Education Ministry has presented its strategy for integrating refugees' children into its classroom while offering employment to Ukrainian teachers, Education Minister Petr Gazdík said at a press conference Thursday.

The "Ukrainian Single Class" (Ukrajinské jednotřídky) project will begin on Monday with classroom instruction taking place in the Ukrainian language and delivered by native-speaking teachers. The initiative is organized by the Ukrainian Embassy, ​​the Children of Ukraine Endowment Fund, and Charles University.

Tomáš Zima, Rector Emeritus of Charles University, stressed the importance of connecting children of refugees with people who speak their language and understand them, immediately after the trauma of fleeing their country.

"We have secured the transport of teaching texts from western Ukraine," he said adding that teaching materials in Ukrainian are currently being created in the Czech Republic.

The first three single classes will open on Monday, one in Prague and two in Brno. The Prague single-class school will be housed in the First Slavic Grammar School in Prague 1. Twenty students are expected to attend the school.

Refugees will be able to register their children on the newly launched website of the Children of Ukraine Refugee Endowment Fund. Teachers from Ukraine can also apply for work via the platform.

Experts say children affected by war can incur psychological problems over time, particularly in the aftermath of bombings. Refugee children should also receive psychological help in schools. 

Gazdík said securing educational opportunities and childcare will also enable Ukrainian parents to work as soon as possible.

While no official data has been released, Gazdik estimated that hundreds of Ukrainian children are in Czechia. The ministry plans to place some of them directly in Czech schools.

Interior Minister Vít Rakušan said on Wednesday that about 5,000 refugees come to the Czech Republic every day, with a total of between 20,000 and 30,000 on Wednesday. 

On Friday last week, the Ministry of Education provided teachers with instructions on how to discuss the current situation with the pupils so that the children could better understand the international conflict and not blame their classmates of Russian or Ukrainian nationality.

The Ukrainian single-Class school network should develop over time, particularly in large cities with the biggest refugee population.

"Life continues and children should have the opportunity to learn further," Ukrainian Ambassador to the Czech Republic Yevhen Perebyjnis said. The Ministry so far has said that school will not be compulsory for the first three months of a child's arrival.

The Ukrainian Children Endowment Fund has been established to help children coming from the war zone continue their studies. Visit to contribute.

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