Apple Museum Opens this Week in Prague

Organizers of the Old Town exhibit are claiming to have the largest collection of Jobs-related artifacts in the world

Elizabeth Zahradnicek-Haas

Written by Elizabeth Zahradnicek-Haas Published on 15.12.2015 16:39:34 (updated on 15.12.2015) Reading time: 1 minute

Remember that blueberry-tinted G3? Or the boxy Macintosh 128K? Apple fans will have a chance to stroll down Mac memory lane this week when the Apple Museum in Prague opens it doors.

Set to debut on Thursday and installed in the Pop Art Centre in Old Town, early information on the museum bills it as an exhibition of  “the fascinating evolution and the breathtaking story of one of the most successful companies in the history of mankind.”

Apple Museum Opens this Week in Prague

The museum also claims to have the largest collection of “Apple products and artifacts of Apple visionary genius Steve Jobs from 1976-2012 worldwide.”

Whether that can be verified or not remains to been seen; other Apple museums have recently opened around the world including one in Savona, Italy which boasts more than 10,000 working Apple products, the Netherlands, and, coming soon, Berlin.

Vintage G3/Photo: Nafija55 via Wikipedia
Vintage G3/Photo: Nafija55 via Wikipedia

The largest collection of Apple-related history in the world is owned by Stanford University and secreted away in an undisclosed location that is closed to the public. It includes hardware, software, revealing documents, and candid interviews and photos.

Original 1984 Macintosh desktop
Original 1984 Macintosh desktop

Given the Prague Apple Museum’s central location and English-language Facebook page, we’re guessing that it may be geared toward the tourist population. We’ll update this article as more photos and information become available.

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