65 properties
Židlického, Praha 4 - Lhotka
29 950 000 CZK
Dolní Chaloupky, Praha 10 - Záběhlice
9 300 000 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services
Hellichova, Praha 1 - Malá Strana
39 990 000 CZK, with agency fees
Praha 1 - Hradčany
29 990 000 CZK, with agency fees
Ke Štítu, Praha 10 - Křeslice
39 000 000 CZK
K lesu, Praha 4 - Libuš
1 480 000 EUR, with agency fees, with legal services
Kubišova, Praha 8 - Libeň
29 700 000 CZK
Praha 6 - Nebušice
52 000 000 CZK
Psohlavců, Praha 4 - Braník
67 000 000 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services
Na Knížce, Praha 4 - Kunratice
29 900 000 CZK, with agency fees
Ke Koh-i-nooru, Praha 5 - Stodůlky
42 600 000 CZK
Hillebrantova, Praha 5 - Košíře
24 920 000 CZK, with agency fees, with legal services
Slavíčkova, Praha 6 - Bubeneč
Price for negotiation
V Šáreckém údolí, Praha 6 - Dejvice
36 000 000 CZK
Ke kladivům, Praha 6 - Suchdol
Price for negotiation