There are now 141 confirmed coronavirus cases in Czech Republic, 24 more than this morning

Roughly 4,800 people are in quarantine over the outbreak


Written by ČTK Published on 13.03.2020 19:22:38 (updated on 13.03.2020) Reading time: 1 minute

Prague, March 13 (CTK) – The Czech Republic is recording 141 cases of the novel coronavirus now in the evening, 24 more than in the morning, Health Minister Adam Vojtech (for ANO) has tweeted.

In all, roughly 6,900 people are in quarantine over the outbreak. Sanitary officials are still trying to track down the people who were in contact with the infected persons.

The first confirmed coronavirus cases appeared in the Czech Republic on March 1. This morning, most cases were recorded in Prague and the Usti and Central Bohemia regions.

Vojtech said the number of tests was steadily rising by the day. On Thursday alone, roughly 540 samples were tested.

There are two types of quarantine. One is ordered by the general practitioner, who gives the sick note to the patient, one by regional sanitary centres, primarily to the people who might be infected from a patient who tested positive.

“A total of 1,646 people are in quarantine as ordered by sanitary centers. Doctors have issued 5,243 sick notes,” Vojtech tweeted in the evening.

Coronavirus tests are being carried out by 18 special laboratories. They check the samples collected by the paramedics. There are private facilities among them.

Even those whose testing is not recommended by a doctor or sanitary official may be tested, but they must pay for this.

On Thursday, the government declared the state of emergency and imposed a ban on travelling abroad for Czechs and travelling inside the country for foreigners that will be effective on Sunday midnight.

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