Prague Graffiti Artist Honors Slain African Rhino

Pavel Císařovský has been painting murals of Hope the Rhino and Satao the Elephant across Prague over the past year

Dave Park

Written by Dave Park Published on 04.01.2017 10:53:54 (updated on 04.01.2017) Reading time: 1 minute

Hope, the African rhino that managed to survive after poachers hacked off her horns and left her for dead earlier this year, died in South Africa last month.

Her story made headlines around the world, and she became the face not only of the horrors of the illegal poaching industry, but also the extraordinary will to fight it.

Hope’s story resonated deeply with many, including Pavel Císařovský, a Czech graffiti artist living in Prague who had read about her plight after learning of Satao, the famous Kenyan elephant who was slain in 2014.

Over the past year, Císařovský has been adorning Prague streets with murals of both Satao and Hope.

“I love Africa and I will be drawing on the walls of streets so that people will see it and never forget about Satao and Hope,” he said in an interview with SA People

“They will know what happened… and maybe the EU can help stop this filth!”

Across Prague streets, more than 20 murals of the slain animals can be seen.

Pictures courtesy of the artist’s Facebook page:

Photo: Facebook / Pavel Cisarovsky
Photo: Facebook / Pavel Cisarovsky

Photo: Facebook / Pavel Cisarovsky
Photo: Facebook / Pavel Cisarovsky

Photo: Facebook / Pavel Cisarovsky
Photo: Facebook / Pavel Cisarovsky

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