Choosing your personal doctor

What if you need a doctor in Czech Republic? Staff

Written by Staff Published on 17.05.2005 09:28:19 (updated on 17.05.2005) Reading time: 4 minutes

Written by Dr. Vladimír Kraus Have you ever thought about what you would do if you suddenly needed a doctor while in the Czech Republic? Who would take care of you? Where would you go? What would you do? What could you expect? Do you have a clue? As in most countries, you have many choices in doctors and in the level of health care you receive in the Czech Republic. In most cases, seeing a General Practitioner, who will work with you to resolve your health issues or concerns, is a good choice. But even finding a General Practitioner requires careful thought and significant research. In the following article, you will find pertinent information, insights, comments and answers to your “doctor dilemma”. Being ill in a foreign country, even one in which you may have lived for some time, seems to raise the inevitable question – “Will I receive the same level of professional care here as I do in my home country?” The answer is simply YES. The Czech Republic has a well-earned reputation for having a first rate health care system conforming to world class standards. As in any medical system, the quality of medical care you receive is dependent on the doctor and his/her experience, training, expertise and general attitude to patient care. The state of your personal health is such a valuable asset that a trial and error method to the selection of your doctor might not be the best approach. Plan ahead – be diligent in your search for a doctor whose value system is complementary to the care you wish yourself and your loved ones to receive. And if you plan ahead, are diligent in your selection of your primary care doctor and establish a relationship with him or her, rest assured that you will receive the best of care from him or her. So “Where exactly can you find a doctor?” As in your home country, a variety of sources are available to you to find a doctor. Newspapers, the Internet, this web-site, your colleagues, etc. can all be valuable sources of input. Word of mouth or personal experiences from people you trust are usually reliable sources. However, take into account that every patient is different, every situation is different and every need is different. It is up to you to filter these perceptions and comments according to your personal requirements. When searching for a primary care doctor, consider establishing a doctor-patient relationship with a General Practitioner. By training and inclination, GPs are usually oriented to taking a holistic, well-balanced approach to patient health care. Their success is dependent on their ability to establish a close, confidential rapport with their patients; to take care of them in an environment designed to put their patients at ease; and to know when to send their patients for further specialized treatment. Of course, having a primary care physician who is fluent in your mother tongue is an enormous advantage. But having a physician who will listen to you attentively and with whom you can discuss your concern to the depth it requires is absolutely essential to your health. Of course, most of us have additional, unspecified criteria for selecting a doctor – some of them are practical and some of them are personal. “How does my doctor´s office look – warm and cosy or clean and practical?” “How did the doctor or nurse speak to me on the phone?” “Can I phone directly to the doctor or do I have to go through the nurse?” “Is my doctor open and positive towards my questions, requests or special needs?” “Are the doctor´s facilities easily accessible by car or public transport?” “Is there convenient and readily available parking close to or even in front of the office?” “Are there many places in the waiting room, indicating that the doctor might over schedule patients?” “Are there sufficient places for the people who come with me?” “Does my doctor come to me, introducing himself/herself to me?” “Does the doctor pay attention to personal hygiene, both before and after examining me?” “Does my doctor listen to me and hear what I say?” “Do I feel that my doctor is personally concerned about my troubles?” “Does my doctor take me into consideration when he treats me – does my doctor look at me as an individual or am I just another patient, next in line?” Finding a doctor who can meet all of or the majority of your internal and external criteria is a challenge, but a challenge worth pursuing when it comes to your personal health care. Doctors are human beings too and you may possibly never find one who is absolutely perfect in the eyes of every patient. But you will certainly find the one who is the best for you. For more information about the services of Dr. Kraus, please visit

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