Czech Republic now has 833 confirmed coronavirus cases, up by 68 over the past 12 hours

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases has reached 833 in the Czech Republic by 17:55 today, which is 68 more than on Thursday


Written by ČTK Published on 20.03.2020 17:55:38 (updated on 20.03.2020) Reading time: 1 minute

Prague, March 20 (CTK) – The number of confirmed coronavirus cases has reached 833 in Czechia by 17:55 today, which is 68 more than on Thursday, and Prague remains the region with the highest number of the patients, according to the data released by the Health Ministry.

Four patients have recovered so far.

The highest number of 205 new cases were registered in Czechia on Thursday, almost twice as many as the day before.

On Thursday, Health Minister Adam Vojtech (for ANO) said that out of the infected people, 63 stay in hospital, including five with severe symptoms. No one has died of the coronavirus so far.

There are 124 coronavirus patients in Prague now. The second highest case is in Central Bohemia, the region surrounding the capital city. Out of the country’s 14 regions, the lower number of cases have been reported by Liberec and Vysocina – eight and nine, respectively.

A total of 11,619 people have been tested for coronavirus by Thursday midnight.

According to sanitary officers, 38 percent of the patients contracted the respiratory illness abroad and the rest in Czechia. Almost half of those who caught the virus abroad are those returning from Italy, and one quarter from Austria.

Men make up 55 percent of the patients.

The highest number of the patients, almost 20 percent, are in the age category between 35 and 44. Seven percent are children under 14. Seniors over 65, who are the most vulnerable group, make up 12 percent of all patients.


The Czech Republic reported the first three COVID-19 cases on March 1. The government has introduced extraordinary anti-epidemic measures since, including the state of emergency, a restriction of people’s free movement, closure of schools, restaurants and most shops, and a ban on foreigners’ entry into the country and Czechs’ departure abroad. Cultural and sports events have been banned. People are only allowed to go out with their nose and mouth covered by a face mask, respirator, shawl or scarf.

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