Christmas Chocolate Cookies

These are really easy, you can make them with your kids! Staff

Written by Staff Published on 15.11.2004 13:27:00 (updated on 15.11.2004) Reading time: 1 minute

Written by Hellena Lorenz

These are really easy, you can make them with your kids!

Cokoladovy Salam
Chocolate Salami

140 g sugar – cukru
70 g sliced almonds – krájených mandlí
70 g crushed almonds – strouhaných mandlí
2 large squares of chocolate – obdélníčky čokolády
1 egg – vejce
powdered sugar for coating – moučkový cukr

Let the chocolate get soft over hot oven, add sugar, almonds and eggs. work through and form a salami log shape, let harden and coat in powdered sugar. Slice and serve. Keep in a cold place.

Cokoladove ovoce
Chocolate coated fruit

150 g milk chocolate – mléčné cokolady
150 g bitter chocolate – hořké cokolady
375 g grapes – hroznů
2 kiwi
1 pineapple – ananas
600 g bananas – banánů
lemon juice – citronová šťáva

Thaw each of the chocolate separately in a water bath till liquid. Wash fruit, cut grapes into small sections, slice the kiwi, pineapple and bananas. Put lemon juice over the bananas, so they do not get brown. Dip the fruit in chocolate, let cool and dry, keep in cool place.

Doba přípravy: 30 min. Počet porcí: 8

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