Entire Prague Metro Network to Get Mobile Coverage

Good news for commuters who will finally be able check e-mail, read the news online, and make calls in all metro tunnels and stations

Expats.cz Staff Jason Pirodsky

Written by Expats.cz StaffJason Pirodsky Published on 17.10.2017 09:21:26 (updated on 17.10.2017) Reading time: 1 minute

Yesterday Deputy Mayor Petr Dolínek announced that mobile coverage would be extended to the entire Prague metro network, including all stations and tunnels.

Currently, it’s possible to connect to the Internet only on the new section of metro line A to Dejvická and Motol.

The first phase of the metro-wide mobile coverage rollout will be a test run between the Muzeum and Roztyly stations on the C line; the next stages would see a signal extended to the entire metro network.

While no time frame was given for the implementation of the plan, Dolínek indicated that an agreement between the city transit authority (DPP) and the selected operator should be reached by the end of the week.

In September, DPP announced that it would be offering free wi-fi at its six busiest metro stations.

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